What almonds do for your body?

what almonds do for your body

Benefits of almonds

Almonds help in regulating gastrointestinal tract due to the presence of fiber. This not only take care of digestion related problems but it also promotes the growth of healthy bacteria which in turn makes your immunity stronger.

Abnormal changes in your lens can be prevented by consuming it moderately. It safeguards your eyes from other damages. The content of vitamin E and vitamin A in it makes it ideal for accomplishing glowing skin. It acts as an excellent moisturizer.

It is a well known fact that they are very beneficial for the development of our brain. The presence of phenylalanine and riboflavin in it is very beneficial for the growth of your brain cells and to increase your brainpower.

They are also to increase memory capacity. They are good for nervous system, bone health and mental alertness. The content of folic acid is precise which protects baby for any defects. 


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